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Modern society is pursuing the practicality of equipment

     The soul of PLC equipment lies in the three words of programmable, which makes it have a world-wide improvement over traditional relay control equipment. If the traditional relay control equipment is used to achieve the overall control of a project, once the control network is established, it must be used consistently, and its content must not be changed in any way. Some friends may ask, what if the content of this control project changes in the middle? Remove all and start again. You may be stunned when you hear this. How much work is this? In fact, users think so. And if you change the controller to PLC, you will find that the situation has changed a lot. Because programming software can be used to program the control content, even if the content of the control project changes, we can calmly face it. As long as the control content is re-edited, the other aspects of the entire control system need not be moved. Looking at it by comparison, you can see at a glance.  
     In addition to the advantage of programmable, the number of connection lines of the PLC equipment is also less than the relay controller. The fewer the connection lines, the less the interference and interference between each other, the less the probability of equipment damage, and the pressure on the later maintenance is reduced. At the same time, if it is really necessary for the maintainer to maintain it, PLC devices with fewer connections will also make it easier for them to troubleshoot the problem in the shortest possible time. Therefore, in the field of modern industrial control, PLC equipment has occupied a pivotal position and is widely used in steel, petroleum, chemical industry, electric power, building materials, machinery manufacturing, automobiles, light textiles, transportation, environmental protection and cultural entertainment. In the industry. In the construction of the future Industrial Internet, PLC equipment will play an unparalleled role, let us wait and see.    As said at the beginning of the article, modern people are pursuing practicality, and whatever is practical is what they choose. In fact, PLC is the same. With the continuous evolution of technological level, the volume and weight of PLC are also getting smaller and smaller, small PLC equipment has been able to complete most of the things that could only be achieved by large PLC. The current small PLC equipment is mainly composed of three parts, which are the main control modules that connect various types of communication buses and provide power support. Pluggable IO module for data transmission and reception through voltage, current, pulse and other signals. The terminal module responsible for the power circuit and so on.