Application Example of CANopen IO 8DI/8DO
TPDO1 of GCAN-4055 is used to indicate the state of input and output. Each of them is represented by one byte. RPDO1 is used to change the state of digital output. It is controlled by one byte.
Connect to CANopen IO 8DI/8DO_GCAN
GCAN-4055 support +9-30V DC power supply. We recommend to use 12V or 24V DC voltage-stabilized power supply.
Introduction of CANopen IO 8DI/8DO_GCAN
GCAN-4055(CANopen IO 8DI/8DO) is a CANopen converter which have one standard CANopen interface, 8 digital input channel and 8 digital output channel .
AT instructions_GCAN
Test module connection status. Example: Send instruction > AT Reception > OK
Vehicle OBD interface intelligent analysis module_GCAN
GCAN-600 is an automobile CAN bus decoding module, it applies to all kinds of automobiles which's ECU use ISO15765 protocol to communicate. GCAN-600 module can receive all the CAN bus data which sent by sensors in automobile, then parse and
Use Of single-wire CAN converter_GCAN
The GCAN-404 supports normal mode (33.33Kbit/s) and high speed mode (83.33Kbit/s). Both modes can be switched automatically.

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